In the News….

In my never-ending desire to bring items of interest to the attention of my readers (all 3 of you), here are a few things I came across in the news about the industry.

From Mark Brown’s Buffalo Trace Newsletter….

Former ‘MADD’ Chapter President Busted for DUI

Source: KTLA, February 25, 2011

The former president of a Gainesville, Fla. chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD, is facing DUI charges, according to the Gainesville Sun.

48-year-old Debra Oberlin was pulled over last week after officers reportedly spotted her driving erratically.

She blew a .234 and a .239 on a pair of breathalyzer tests, the Sun reports, well over Florida’s .08 legal limit.

Oberlin apparently told officers she’d had four beers.

Oberlin has not commented.

She was the president of Gainesville’s MADD chapter for three years. The chapter closed in 1996 due to a lack of funds.

All I care to say is that 3 times over the limit on 4 beers? I’ll leave the other punch lines to you.


From (no relation)….

A Tangle of Corkage Laws Around The Nation

Virginia and Maryland debate whether to overturn bans on restaurant BYO; a Wine Spectator survey finds laws around the country remain a confusing tangle.

As more Americans drink wine regularly with meals, more are asking their favorite restaurants that perennial question: Can I bring my own bottle? Like most practices created in the aftermath of Prohibition, corkage laws are a jigsaw puzzle of arcane, contradictory and confusing rules that vary from state to state and even from town to town. But whether they call it “corkage,” “BYOB” or “brown-bagging,” most wine drinkers want the freedom to bring a bottle of wine from their personal collection into a restaurant.

This year, some states with longstanding corkage bans have begun to reconsider. Last week the Virginia state Senate passed a bill allowing corkage; the House is voting on it today. Groups in Maryland are pushing to end their state’s ban as well.

Wine Spectator survey of all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, found that 25 of these allow corkage in restaurants with a license to sell wine; some also permit the practice in unlicensed restaurants, though individual municipalities—and, of course, individual restaurants—can often elect to outlaw or limit the practice. Fifteen states forbid corkage outright, and an additional 12 have more convoluted regulations.

Everyone clear on these rules and regulations?


And, finally, Mike Bacco brought this to my attention….

Coke to ramp up Seagram’s distribution

Atlanta Business Chronicle, February 28, 2011

The Coca-Cola Co. is looking to capitalize on a partnership with Seagram’s made back in 2002.

Atlanta-based Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) said it is expanding availability for the full line of Seagram’s Ginger Ale and mixers across the country. Coca-Cola gained the rights to the Seagram’s business in 2002, but distribution for Seagram’s brands has been limited within the Coca-Cola system. Now, Coca-Cola Refreshments and other bottlers are combining the Seagram’s brand with the Coca-Cola distribution system to boost availability of Seagram’s Ginger Ale, Club Soda, Seltzer and Tonic Water in retail outlets.

See…brands do have a life of their own. I guess after nearly 10 years they thought it was a safe thing to do.

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